Tuesday, January 24, 2017


1) Always wrong because it is theift and fraud.
2)providing full sourse from quotation.
7)That i refer to my own paper that i have previously written.
8)When using information from crowd-sourced, sources like wikepedia, because they are the puplic domain.
9)Summerize it in your own words than cite it.
11)Citation is used to distribute money for royalties
12)Both  unethical collaboration and plagiarism.
13)All of the above.

20 things we should say more often
1) To say thank you
2)Excuse me
3) Here is a surprise corndog I brought you because your my friend.
4)I'm sorry.
5)I forgive you.
6) You can do it.
7) I've got barbecue sauce on my shirt too.
9) Everything is going to be okay.
10) Awe! you got me a corn dog too? you shouldn't have.
11) I don't know.
12) Your so awesome i change my name to yours.
13)Tell them your awesome!
\14) Hello person I've never met before! Heres a high-five!
15)My sport team is not alw3ays the best sports team.
16)I diagree with you buit i still like you as a person who is human being and i will treat you like that because if i didn't it would make everything bad and that's what lost of people do and it is lame.
17)Sometimes you gotta scream.
18)Life is tough but so are you.
19)We all need to be reminded to keep anything.
20)Lets dance

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